Career Development

Creating an Agile Environment

We learn to lead by leading, and not because we were bestowed the job title of a leader. Leaders need to rethink how they should be leading. They need to master the ability to increase human effectiveness. The legacy of leaders should be to develop many more effective leaders.

The authentic employer

What happens when one strips away the artifices of traditional HR? Gone are the fancy offices, the “counseling” room, the file cabinets, the interview pods, the reception area, the keycard entry. Poof! Now what? Maybe now HR can get real by becoming an authentic employer. Now that the HR leader has become ‘just another remote employee’, this provides an excellent opportunity to become an authentic employer.

The gig economy - more relevant now than ever

Gig economy can be defined as one in which the workforce contributing to it is predominantly contractual. Freelance work and work contracts, both short term and long ter. are the highlights of the gig situation. This concept is being adopted by companies increasingly all over the world. This is because of the advantages it offers for the employer and the employee. The community of qualified personnel who prefer freelance work to permanent employment is increasing and companies find that the talent available in these professionals can be used to advantage.

The right approach towards life

We have become used to of blaming others for our problems and everything in our life we aspire but are unable to get. We have access to quality education, healthcare, drinking water, food, hygiene and proper clothes, etc. But we fail to recognize that there are millions of people across the world who are deprived of even the basic necessities to run lives. So, we need to be thankful for whatever we have received and think that once our attitude is right everything in life will be right.

HR post pandemic

I am here with you to share my views on HR in post pandemic era. You might be wondering why I am referring to this period as Era, it is because the COVID pandemic has brought a sea change in our ways of working, our thought process, ways of looking at things etc, normally it takes too much effort and time to bring these changes in any system, however COVID pandemic had made it clear that if we don’t change we may not survive.