Filter Result For 2022

HR post pandemic

I am here with you to share my views on HR in post pandemic era. You might be wondering why I am referring to this period as Era, it is because the COVID pandemic has brought a sea change in our ways of working, our thought process, ways of looking at things etc, normally it takes too much effort and time to bring these changes in any system, however COVID pandemic had made it clear that if we don’t change we may not survive.

January 10, 2022

Love thy customer ... but love your employees more

It is commonplace to say that the customer is the most important element in a business model and hence you should love your customer, but I advise that you love your employees more so that they can love your customers.

January 10, 2022

Lead Singer vs. Chorus Singer

Music always has been an integral part our lives and I am sure we all grew up listening to our favorite singers and bands, some of us who had that special talent even performed in front of an audience and of course became a star. Couple of days back, I was watching a musical performance and marveling at the way in which the background singers were harmonizing with the lead vocalist resulting in an amazing performance

January 18, 2022

The Fun Side of HR!

In my experience, team happiness spurs productivity and by making workplace a ‘happy and fun place’, you can take care of your team and encourage them to get more done.

January 18, 2022

Covid-19 & Work Life Balance

Unlike the post-Second World War baby boom hitting most of the business sectors on human factor, economic shift in the late 1970s and through acute crisis by price rise and slow investment and changes occurred in 1980s, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on both investment and human capital. Businesses have gone through immense pressure with their customer and consumer reach sharply declining resulting the business community to face a mountain of challenges. Also, migrant workforce returning to their home country has forced policymakers to think towards managing the unexpected unemployment situation.

January 18, 2022